I came across these 10 tips for success that have been quoted by Einstein, and liked it and thought to share it with
1- Persistence is
a priceless treasure:
According to him it does not matter to be
brilliant or not but all you have to do is to spend more time trying to
figure out solutions for the problem.
2- Follow your
He said that I don`t have special gifts
I only have my love for knowledge.
3- Knowledge
comes from the experience:
According to him knowledge is not only
information but gaining more experience: Knowledge is not only collecting
information from here and there but the real knowledge is by gaining more
4-Know the rules
of the game first:
You must know the rules of the
game first then think in playing only then you can be the best in the game.
5- Search for
According to him if you can`t explain
your ideas to 6 years old kid then you did not even understand it.
According to him imagination is more
important than knowledge in which with knowledge you can see the future.
7- Make your own
The person who have no mistakes
did not try anything new yet.
8- Live your
Don`t think in the future cause
it is coming whether you liked it or not.
9- Search for the
Don`t fight for success but
fight for the value of your work.
10- Don`t expect
different results for the same action:
Madness is to do the same
action and in every time expect different results.
Reference (ITExpert)
Sorry i have not commented till now, i have been reading your blog for a although now though. It has turn out to be component of my morning routine.
Thank you, for your kind words. I haven't been that active lately so I must make more effort. Thanks again
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